The renewable Manual Dish detergent exhibits excellent performance and outperforms market benchmarks. BASF renewable surfactants allow this formulation to be renewable without sacrificing the performance. Glucopon® 600 UP is made from renewable raw materials-glucose derived from corn, and fatty alcohols from coconut and palm kernel oils. Due to its natural chemistry, it is very mild and readily biodegradable.

Sequence Trade Name INCI Name %

Sodium n-Octyl Sulfate

Sensapol® WAQ-LCK Sodium Lauryl Sulfate 45.00
GLUCOPON® 600 UP Lauryl/Myristyl Glucoside 15.00
Citric Acid (50%) 0.40
DEHYTON® CAW Cocamidopropylamine Oxide 8.00
Preservative, Dye, Fragrance q.s.

Formula No: C800-158-2


  1. Add ingredients in order listed with moderate mixing.
  2. Dissolve each ingredient completely before adding the next.
  3. Add preservative (required), and Dye & Fragrance (optional).