Kopacol™ N 70 NA is a high active ether sulfate. The absence of by-products allows the formulator the widest latitude in selecting and attaining critical performance, fragrance and color objectives. Unlike other high active ether sulfates, Kopacol™ N 70 NA contains no ethyl or isopropyl alcohol eliminating any fire hazard. It is milder at use concentration than sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth-1-sulfate.
- Equivalent to 2.7 batches of low active
- Reduces Carbon Footprint by 66%
- Eco-Hybrids with renewable coconut feedstock
- Can be cold processed
- Self-preserved by limited water content
- Can be processed with existing plant equipment
- Short ROI on equipment, if needed
- No solvents present; No VOC
Kopacol was formerly known as Texapon.